Thursday, May 17, 2018

Our Top 10 Christian T-Shirts for Summer

One of the best things about summer is that first day you don’t have to wear a coat outside. The sun is shining brightly. The clouds float lightly through the sky and warm sunbeams splashing down on your face. Most of the United States has had a pretty tough winter. It’s been long and cold, even in the southern states. Now, finally, we’re turning toward warmer weather. You can finally ditch your hat and gloves, throw off your coat, and stroll outside in your flip flops and favorite Christian t-shirt. To celebrate summer fun, we’re excited to show you some of our favorite Christian t-shirts that are not only great looking, but they can help you witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Top 10 Christian T-Shirts For Summer

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

This Christian T-shirt quotes one of the most famous passages from the New Testament, Philippians 4:13. The Apostle Paul writes this passage as he describes the extreme difficulties he endured on his missionary journeys. God supported him through every single one, just as God supports each Christian through the pains and trials we endure.

Give a witness to the power of God to sustain us through difficulty with this amazing shirt. We know that Jesus himself endured everything we have. He faced temptation, sickness, and even a torturous death on the cross. Jesus was with us in our humanity, and he is there with us, now, when we hurt. The joy of Christ sustains us through it all.

That’s what the cross on the front of the shirt helps us remember. Philippians 4:13 points us to Jesus’ strength on the cross, and it reminds us that he strengthens us, too.

For God So Loved The World

John 3:16 is sometimes called the gospel in a nutshell. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This passage doesn’t just summarize Jesus’ work on earth from his birth to ascension, it summarizes God’s mission through the whole Bible from the moment he predicted Christ’s coming to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:15 to the last chapter of Revelation where Jesus says, “Surely I am coming soon.”

Christians everywhere use this verse to succinctly tell their friends and neighbors that they can receive salvation through Jesus Christ by faith. With this shirt, you can be a walking witness to life everlasting.

The Way, The Truth, And The Life

The Bible uses the image of a path throughout to describe a faithful Christian life. Psalm 1 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners.” Walking the paths of righteousness is one way that the Bible talks about being a faithful Christian.

Jesus uses the same image to talk about himself. He is the way, the truth, and the life. The path of righteousness is not living the right way. It’s a person. Jesus. That’s because he is the only one who walked the path of righteousness, the only one who lived perfectly.

When you wear this Christian t-shirt, you’ll tell the world about him. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. Not only that, but you will remind yourself, too, that Jesus is the righteous one who died and rose from the dead to open the path to the Father for you.

The Lord Is My Strength And Shield

This Christian t-shirt quotes from Psalm 28, and it’s part of a longer, beautiful passage, “Blessed be the Lord! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

Psalm 28 calls upon God to help danger. We know that the author, King David, struggled through tons of danger. He fought against Israel’s enemies. King Saul tried to have him killed several times. His own children rebelled against him. Life was not always easy for him. You can see why he wrote a psalm asking for God’s protection.

It also shows us how God is faithful even when we’re in danger. After David asks for help, he prays a prayer of trust. “The Lord is my strength and my shield.” God’s protection is better than anything we could think up! He’s the only one who can truly save. This Christian t-shirt points the whole world to the only true God, who promises to protect us.

Crucified with Christ

When Jesus died on the cross, he defeated sin and death forever. Galatians 2:20, which this Christian t-shirt quotes, applies Jesus’ death to each Christian personally. The author of Galatians, St. Paul, tells us that that Christians are connected to Christ. Our old, sinful self was crucified with Jesus, but we were raised with him by faith. Because Jesus lives, we live by faith.

This shirt, with an image of the crucified Jesus, points each of us to the reality that Jesus’ death and resurrection is our own by faith in him. We don’t point to our own works or identity. We live in Jesus.

This Christian T-shirt puts Jesus front and center. He is the only one who gives life. It will help you point to Jesus’ perfect sacrifice on the cross. Plus, the line drawing of the cross is pretty cool when paired with the verse!

Love Drawing

This Christian t-shirt is a little more understated than the ones that directly quote from the Bible, but that doesn’t make it quiet. The shirt uses some classic Christian symbols to spell the word love. Each symbol points us to a different aspect of salvation.

The cross, of course, reminds us that Jesus died in our place. In fact, everything he did, he did in our place. When we were unfaithful, he was faithful. When we didn’t trust God, Jesus did. When we deserved death, Jesus died for us. Because of him, we get eternal life.

The “O” in love is the crown of thorns. The crown reminds us that Jesus is a king, but he is not a king like the ones we know. This king serves his people through his suffering and death. He doesn’t cloth himself in riches and beauty. He clothes himself in suffering. What great love our king has for us that he would die so we could live!

The “V” comes from two nails. Isaiah 52:5 reads, “But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities.” The nails point, once again, to the pain Jesus faced so we don’t have to.

The “E” is an old Christian symbol. The Greek letters are transliterated as Ichthus, the word for fish. Each Greek letter stands for a word in Greek that describes Jesus, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” These wonderful symbols carry deep meaning.

Cross of Words

Christians love the word, “Grace,” but sometimes we forget how amazing it is. Grace means that God loved us before we could love him. The cross of words t-shirt design reminds us that God loved us so much that he sent his Son, Jesus, to die for us.

God’s love reached out to us while we were dead in our sins and our tresspasses as Ephesians 2:1 reminds us. It’s only after God loved us that we were empowered by the Holy Spirit to love him in return.

The world can’t hear this message enough. Much of the world believes that the church is for good people who have life figured out. This shirt reminds us that the church, and Jesus, is for sinners who need a savior. We don’t have it figured out, but we have a savior who does. We aren’t good, but we have a savior who is. A wonderful message for a Christian t-shirt.

Team Jesus 4 Ever

Sports are an important part of American culture. We all know die-hard fans of the local football or baseball team. They never miss a game. It’s becomes a central part of their identity. Wouldn’t it be great if more Christians saw team Jesus the same way? Or, even better, as more important?

Show your team spirit for the one and only team that never loses, team Jesus. When so many of us treat sports like a religion and Christianity like a hobby, this shirt helps you flip the story on its head. Team Jesus 4 Ever lets everyone know that you’re on the best team, chosen by God to live forever with him. We are his people, his team, forever.

Trust In The Lord

The theme for the book of Proverbs is that wisdom comes from the fear of God. Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Nothing makes sense unless you have faith in God. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how much you’ve accomplished, or how much money you’ve made. Without the fear of the Lord, you have nothing.

This Christian T-shirt follows that theme when it quotes Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” We always want to trust ourselves instead of God. We can see our own hands. We can make our own plans. We think we can take care of ourselves.

But God’s ways are greater than ours. His thoughts are beyond our thoughts. He always knows better than us. When we trust in God, no matter what happens now, we know that he will bring us through it to the resurrection on the last day. That’s God’s plan for us, and so we can only trust that he will do it.

Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

This is the first of our tank tops in our series, which makes it a fantastic choice for the hottest days of summer. This stylish tank top quotes from Psalm 139:14, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

Psalm 139 is all about the amazing power of God. King David, the author of the Psalm, writes that God knows every word that he says before he says it. God knows everything! On top of that, there is no way to get away from God. If we go up to heaven, he’s there! If we go down to sheol, God’s there, too.

In all of God’s power, he made us! He formed us in the womb, and he knit us together. He guides our path and watches over us every day. God’s power is wonderful and amazing! We are fearfully and wonderfully made by the powerful and marvelous God.

We Love Our Christian T-Shirts

We, Christians, love to talk about our faith, because we have an amazing God. Not only is he the all-powerful creator of the universe, but he also sent his only Son to die for us. That’s how we know that God loves us. And we love him, because he loves us. Our savior gives us faith to trust him, and there’s only one thing we can do. We praise him!

Well, there is a little more. We can tell everyone about him. Jesus’ love is so powerful, so amazing, that we can’t help but talk about him to everyone we meet. We want them to know the amazing love that God has given us and live forever with us in eternal life.

We know that our great Christian t-shirts can help you do just that. Each one carries a great message about our God. Their witness will help you share that message wherever you go. When you’re on the beach, going for hike, or just hanging out with some friends, they’ll see the wonderful things that God does for us.

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