Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Top 9 Pieces of Christian Jewelry

People use symbols to communicate big ideas all the time. America uses symbols everywhere. The American flag is a national symbol. When we pledge allegiance to the flag, it’s not about acknowledging a flapping pieces of cloth. It’s a symbol for the country. The bald eagle symbolizes the spirit of the country. It’s free, flying freely over miles of country. It’s fierce.

Christians use symbols, too. We all know about the cross or crucifix, but there are many more Christian symbols, too. Symbols communicate complex ideas about God and our identity in Christ quickly and easily, often better than we could explain them in words. That’s one reason why Christian jewelry can be an important part of every Christian’s life. It can remind you of Christ’s saving work on the cross and how we live in him. It can remind us that Jesus is in charge and help us trust in his mercy.

You can also use your Christian jewelry to start conversations with other people. Christian symbols can be an easy way to explain the faith. They might ask a question, and you can explain it. Or the symbols can remind you of the key concepts to explain. We love our Christian jewelry, and we think you will, too. Here are some of our favorite pieces of Christian jewelry.

Vintage Lord’s Prayer Cross Bracelet

The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray. In Luke 11, the disciples approached Jesus after prayer, and they asked him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”

Then Jesus taught them the Lord’s Prayer. This simple, short prayer, summarizes every prayer a Christian could pray. We ask for God to guide us to honor his name in his kingdom and to do his will. We ask him to protect us from evil. We ask him to provide for us. The prayer is everything a Christian should pray.

This bracelet is our most popular item, and it’s easy to see why. The black and gold cross is beautiful over the leather bracelet, connected by thick, black thread with the Lord’s Prayer inscribed on the cross with gold letters. This bracelet has a rugged, vintage look for our rugged faith.

This bracelet can be a great reminder for a Christian’s prayer life. Most guides to Christian prayer include regularly praying the Lord’s Prayer. It is the perfect prayer, given to us by the Lord himself. It makes sense that we would use it all the time when we pray to him.

This great looking piece can help you remember to pray the way that Jesus taught us. With it on your wrist, you can use it as a reminder to pray at regular intervals. Whether you pray at certain times or when you feel moved, this bracelet can help you remain regular in your prayers.

Cross of Faith Necklace

The cross is the oldest symbol of the Christian faith. It is, of course, a symbol for the way that Jesus died. It was actually pretty gruesome. Jesus had been tortured for hours, whipped by Pontius Pilate, and beaten by soldiers. He was so weak that he couldn’t drag his cross along the path to Golgotha. Then they nailed him there, broken, bleeding, and naked with a crown of thorns on his head. He hung there, fully exposed, until he suffocated to death.

What a gruesome symbol for the faith! The cross was the Roman government’s most terrifying symbol of their empire. It wasn’t the usual way for killing criminals. They reserved crucifixion for rebels who fought against the empire. The cross was meant to be terrifying, a reminder of the fate that awaited everyone who would fight the empire.

It may surprise non-Christians that we would use a symbol of torture as the primary symbol of our faith. But Jesus’ death and resurrection turns the world’s expectations on their head. In Christ, torture and death became the path to eternal life. Christians don’t chase after riches, power, or status. Instead, the greatest badge of honor is suffering and death for Christ. That’s because our savior defined power through humility and joy through suffering.

The cross of faith necklace is a symbol of everything that Jesus did for us. The cross is made of three layers. The first is a broad cross made out of stainless steel, the second a simple cross of blue acrylic, and the third a pointed cross of stainless steel. The whole thing is mounted on a stainless steel chain. The material makes it simple, strong, and durable.

This necklace can help remind us what the cross means for us Christians. It reminds us that our King was not enthroned in wealth and glory. His throne was a cross and his crown thorns. We, who follow this kind of king, should live the same kind of life. We serve like our savior served. We are humble like our God was humble.

It’s also a great way to start a conversation about the faith. This cross can point others to the savior who suffered, died, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven to give us eternal life. The cross can help get that story started.

I ♡ Jesus Classical Bracelet

Christian love is different from the way the rest of the world talks about love. For much of the world, love is a feeling that you have. Couples talk about falling in love, because love is an emotion that they fall into like walking into a pit that you couldn’t see. The emotion becomes overwhelming to the point that love distracts people from the rest of life.

While that kind of love can be powerful, it’s also fleeting. Love, as an emotion, comes and goes. You can feel it one day and not the next. Couples can fall into and out of love, and it becomes an excuse to behave badly toward one another.

Christian love, on the other hand, is not an emotion but an action. When Paul writes about love in 1st Corinthians 13, he describes the actions of love.”Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Love is an action, and our love for Jesus should be, too. This bracelet can help you remember to make love an action. The “I ♡ Jesus” metallic plate rests on a faux leather bracelet that has magnetic clasps. Every time you look at it, it can remind you to make your love for Jesus an action.

Titanium Steel Lord’s Prayer Necklace

This piece is another popular part of our Lord’s Prayer jewelry. It’s a stainless steel cross on an adjustable 61cm (24 inches). The cross itself is a dark-colored stainless steel, and it has the text of the Lord’s Prayer etched into it in bright, shiny stainless color. The cross also has a circle that angles over the arms. It’s a perfect piece for a Christian who wants something simple, unassuming, but meaningful.

That’s what this piece is, meaningful. The cross itself shows us how prayer and the cross are connected in Jesus. Prayer is only possible through the savior who died on the cross for us.

In Hebrews 10, the Bible states, “Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.”

The author tells us that there is only way to draw into God’s throne room in heaven, through Jesus Christ. Not just through him, but through the sacrifice of his body and his blood on the cross. Our prayer is only acceptable to God because of this great sacrifice.

Thus, this cross has the Lord’s Prayer inscribed on it with a circle. It represents the unending love that Jesus showed us on the cross. Christ’s loving sacrifice connects directly to our prayers, because one causes the other. This wonderful piece of jewelry can remind you of this every time you wear it.

Lord’s Eternal Stainless Steel Cross Necklace

Not all jewelry needs to be ornate to have beauty. A while back, a young couple was shopping for wedding rings. The two of them were looking through the selection to find one that they liked and was in their price range. The bride-to-be looked at rings with diamonds with intricate designs through the gold. She wanted something beautiful. Ornate.

The groom-to-be, however, stood by a simple gold ring. There was nothing particularly special about it. It was just a gold ring. His bride-to-be asked why he wasn’t looking at the fancy rings. He said that he just wanted something simple, plain. Something every day. That’s what their marriage would be. It might not be fancy or showy. But it would be solid. Strong. Faithful. That’s the ring he still wears fifteen years later.

There is something deeply meaningful in jewelry that is simple and solid like the unassuming beauty of a simple, stainless steel cross. The cross doesn’t need fancy designs to make it meaningful. The cross has meaning through Jesus. It doesn’t need extravagant beauty to be precious. It’s a cross for the everyday Christian, for the one who lives faithfully day by day, following Christ.

For many, this kind of solid, understated jewelry is exactly what you need. LIke our faith, it’s not showy, but it is powerful. It’s a symbol of the life of Christ and that he chose you to be his own.

God Bless Bracelet

This wonderful bracelet is similar to the “I ♡ Jesus” bracelet above. It’s made with the same faux leather (means it’s ethical!) strap and the same magnetic clasp. This time, however, the metallic plate reads, “God Bless” with a cross.

This message can help Christians explain what true blessing is. The word, “blessed,” has come to mean just about anything that’s good in our lives. Get a promotion? What a blessing! Have a new baby? That’s a blessing, too. Get cured? We are blessed. Those kinds of blessings focus on relationships, material goods, health, and many other temporal blessings. They’ll usually get posted to instagram with “#blessed.”

How does the cross bless us? The cross blesses is with Christ. His blessing doesn’t carry all the blessings we might think about when we say that we are blessed. His blessing is the blessing of the cross. That God himself died to take the punishment we deserve so we could have the life he deserved.

That blessing stays with us even when we are not #blessed. Get a terrible diagnosis? You’re still blessed. Lose everything you have and unsure about where to get your next meal? In Christ, you’re still blessed. Feeling alone and depressed? The cross still blesses you. That’s because the cross brings blessing in suffering. This God bless bracelet can remind you, and the people you talk to, that God blesses even when you don’t feel #blessed.

Fear Not Stainless Steel Necklace

This beautiful piece has a 2 inch by 1 inch pendant on a stainless steel chain. Shaped like a dog tag, the pendant is split into two sections. The first has a field of dots with a cross laid over them. The second quotes Isaiah 41:10 (King James Version).

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

God spoke these words through the prophet Isaiah to “The Servant” that plays a prominent role in the prophet’s preaching. Perhaps the servant’s most well-known mention comes from Isaiah 52 and 53 which reads in part, “But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities.”

Isaiah speaks God’s words of promise to the Servant, who we know is Jesus himself. He is the true servant of God who follows the covenant perfectly and dies for his people. God’s promise to Jesus was that he would not forsake his son, even in death. We see that promise come true on the day of resurrection.

In Christ, that promise comes to you. We know that all who are in Christ have the promises the Father gave to Jesus. Just as Christ died and was raised from the dead, we too will rise from the dead should we die. Our future is set. Our end is assured. We do not need to fear anything, because God has set our path to the resurrection of the dead.

Lord’s Prayer Stainless Steel Dog tags

This piece is the third on our list from the Lord’s Prayer series of jewelry. This time, it comes in the form of a dog tag. The tag has two pieces. The first is silver colored stainless steel with a cross punched in the center revealing the second piece underneath. The second piece is dark grey stainless steel with a cross etched into it and the text of the Lord’s Prayer inscribed with silver text.

What can be said in a short time that hasn’t been said above? Carrying the Lord’s Prayer around your neck is a great way to remind ourselves, and the people with whom we talk, that God listens to our prayers because of Jesus. This great prayer, the one Jesus taught us to pray, is at the center of our prayer life.

1 Corinthians 13:13 Silver Necklace and Bangle

This stainless steel necklace or bangle comes in silver or gold colors with a pendant or charm that references 1 Corinthians 13:13. The design on the pendant is a stylized version of three different images. A sword, a heart, and an anchor. Each of these is a classic Christian symbol. The sword may reference the sword of the spirit, the word of God, from Ephesians 6. This sword connects to faith with which we believe in Jesus.

The heart is a symbol for love not just among Christians, but among our whole culture. It points us to the love of Jesus that Paul describes throughout this chapter of 1st Corinthians. The anchor points us to hope. It reminds us that we have a solid anchor, Jesus Christ, by which we can weather the storms of life.

1 Corinthians 13:13 reads, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Remind yourself and others about the amazing gifts that God gives us through Jesus Christ with this beautiful bangle or necklace

Beautiful Christian Jewelry

These pieces of Christian jewelry are great ways to think about your faith. They can point us to the wonderful gifts that Jesus gives his church. They remind us to be faithful people who follow our savior’s footsteps. He saves us and calls us to serve the world.

These pieces of Christian jewelry are a great way to help you remember Christ, and they’re a great gift for other Christians in your life. Each of these beautiful pieces can help start conversations and strengthen someone’s connection to Christ.

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